Friday, January 27, 2017

Chinese New Year Event

The Chinese New Year event for Overwatch just when live on January 24, 2017 also so many player started  to play and the players are trying to get the new skins. Their are 13 new skins Mei got two skins,Reinhardt,Winston,Roadhog,Zenyatta,Junkrat,Baston,Mercy,Ana,Symmetra,Tracer,and these the characters that has new skins.They don't have new ablitys only new skins.There are also new highlight intros,sprays, and proflie pictures these are the new things that came out when the event started.
My favorite skin is the Zenyatta skin because Zennata is a cool looking character in general.All the skins look good but I like Zenyatta more than them.


  1. I think that Zenyata's skin is very cool to. It seems that you took the time and researched the topic and know what you are talking about.

  2. I like this blog it vhas alot of info and I ogt to learn more about overwatch and I gor alot of inforamtion.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like this blog because I learn a lot about overwatch's new event and I agree that the zenyata skin is really cool because he looks like a king.

  5. I like the report of all of the new things to happen in the game, as many of these new things I never even knew about. Thanks for the info!

  6. Finally you do another blog! I did not now you could get even different skin in overwatch.(don't hate me, I haven't played the game yet.) Your blog as a lot of neat info but you should do hd quality pictures.

  7. I like the Overwatch event, i got a lot of skins during the new year event. Its awesome that you put pictures of the new year skins. I really like your blog Justin.

  8. Zenyatta is my favorite hero too and I just got the skin for him couple day ago. I love the way that you thoroughly inform us about everything in the event. It seems that you know what you are talking about. Great post!

  9. I love that you gave us so much information about the event, and you gave us your opinion about how Zenyatta looks the coolest. I can't help but agree that his skins look amazing as well.
